X-Men thoughts (rant)

x-logoFinally catching up on comics.  Still a bit behind, but figured I’d jump in to list off some thoughts on various things happening in the X-Men world.

WARNING!  There will be spoilers if you aren’t up to date.
WARNING!  This will probably not have much coherency in terms of order.
WARNING!  Expect mild language.

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Avengers vs. X-Men: so far part 2

Two weeks ago I borrowed ikeebear’s “One Sentence Review” format to catch up on all the Avengers vs. X-Men titles.  To cover the last two weeks of AvX, I’ll be working a bit more like Cal’s “This Week in Comics“.  So short paragraphs, though I’ll still order them top to bottom with a ranking out of 5.  Warning, there may be a few small spoilers.
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Review: Wolverine and the X-Men #6

I already commented this thought in Cal’s review of the first issue, and despite #5 having let me down a bit, this issue makes me go right back to it.  That this is the funnest comic book I’ve read for years.


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